Tuesday, October 22, 2013

How to use WSO2 Developer Studio - Cloud Connector feature.

This simple guide will help you to use WSO2 Developer Studio to create WSO2 ESB configurations for cloud connectors.

1. Create new ESBConfig project (MyConnectorProject).

2. Right click on 'MyConnectorProject' ESB project. Click on 'Import Cloud Connector' from the context menu.

3. Browse a cloud connector zip (salesforce-connector.zip) and click Finish. (You can download latest cloud connectors from https://svn.wso2.org/repos/wso2/people/isuruu/480release/connectors/)

4. Create a sequence 'MySeq'. Drag and drop a operation from the tool palette.

5. Right click on added operation. Click 'Show Properties View' from context menu.

6. Create a new config for added operation using 'New Config' property of the properties view. Click the button(Right hand side) of 'New Config' property in properties view.

7. Set Config parameters using properties view. Click OK.

8. Set operation parameters using properties view.


  1. hi Sumuditha,

    thanks for the useful blog, I am trying to follow your steps but i do not have the "Import Cloud Connector" option. i am using developer studio 3.2.0 on eclipse juno build 20130225-0426. the project is an ESB Config (or the icon is correct) any ideas?

  2. Please use link at [1] to get the latest build of Developer Studio 3.5.0 which includes this new "Connector feature". Please note Developer Studio 3.5.0 has not been released yet. It is in Alpha stage.

    [1] - http://builder1.us1.wso2.org/~developerstudio/developer-studio/3.5.0/Pre-Alpha4/Dev-Studio-Pre-installed-Eclipse/
